Partners in Justice
"Partners in Justice"
Gender Gap
"Gender Gap"

Create the Change You’ve Been Waiting For

Today our democracy does not work well, and is at risk of failing altogether. In the aftermath of the problems created by the 2008 Great Recession and the 2016 Presidential election, our banks are still too big to fail and our Congress too polarized to govern effectively. Extreme income inequality could undermine our democracy. The underlying purpose of the United States Constitution is to Make Our Democracy Work. Powerful Republicans and Democrats in Congress and on Wall Street have turned that purpose upside down by creating laws and practices that serve their narrow self-interests at the expense of the ordinary citizen and common good. Many conclude that such dysfunction is inevitable, and little can be done to Make Our Democracy Work better.

But I believe there is something we can do!

I choose to look at the world as divided into Goodheads and Greedheads. Goodheads believe as I do that our democracy can work if enough people unite around the common good rather than promote narrow self-interests. Goodheads are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, unaffiliated and of all ethnic, social, religious and economic persuasions. Goodheads do not agree on all issues, but their common attribute is a desire to participate in the discussion and effect the changes necessary to Make Our Democracy Work better. To read more about my rationale for and definition of Greedheads, Goodheads and related terminology, see Rationale for Offensive Terminology.

If enough Goodheads unite we can (at least begin to) Make Our Democracy Work. Join the discussion in the blog on issues like Politics/Business, Education and Health Care.

For an explanation of the change to the new non-profit corporation Make Our Democracy Work Enterprises (MODWE), see Changing My Will.

The spirit of MODWE is reflected in Leonard Cohen’s inspirational song Democracy is Coming to the USA and in grassroots protests like the Occupy movement initiated in 2011. Such movements might fade from the spotlight, but can still be effective with your help. What else can we do to promote change? Join the discussion in our blog and let us know your ideas!