

In my new website, I state that one of the problems our constitutional democracy faces is the U.S. Supreme Court’s “anti-democratic” decision in the Citizens United case. In Big Money Wins Again in a Romp, (NY Times Nov. 7, 2014), Joe Nocera suggests that the unprecedented spending by special interests in the November 4 midterm elections, facilitated by the Citizens United case, will corrupt our representatives in Washington D.C. Nocera raised this issue with Ira Glasser, the former longtime head of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), who supports the Citizens United decision because he believes that all campaign finance laws violate the First Amendment, and do more harm than good.

Do you agree with Glasser or Nocera? Or do you have a different take on the issue of money corrupting our politics?

Responding to Harris & Newsom Feedback

We received several responses strongly opposing the Harris & Newsom 2024 ticket. But many readers are in favor of Harris running with another VP candidate, yet to be named, hailing from the Rustbelt. Can you think of a strong Rustbelt candidate for Harris’s running mate? Or
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Another Democratic Option: Harris & Newsom 2024

Photo of Harris and Newsom by Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images
Until the debate on June 27, the choice between presidential candidates seemed clear. Now that the veil has been lifted, Democrats are scrambling for options. Should Joe Biden step down from the nomination? If so, who should run in his stead? Merle’s long time friend Patty Carst
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A Huge Victory for Environmentalists

Photo of Seapeak Magellan LNG tanker at Calcasieu Pass LNG export terminal in Cameron, Louisiana by Francois Picard/AFP via Getty Images
It’s November 2015 and I’m sitting in my car in a parking lot in the Denver Tech Center. I’m late for a meeting but I’m glued to the radio, listening to President Obama deliver one hell of a speech after rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline project: After the bro
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Democracy is Coming to the USA

The spirit of MODWE is reflected in Leonard Cohen’s inspirational Democracy is Coming to the USA. But why do such “grassroots” movements fade after a few years, and how can we change that?
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